Dress Code
MFA Merchandise
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Why Dress Code is Important
Dancers that are in properly fitting dance clothing are not distracted by their clothing. A shirt that is constantly riding up or going over their heads isn’t just distracting to the dancer, it is also distracting to the teacher! Dancers shouldn’t be concerned that their hair is going to fall out or be constantly pushing it out of their face. This is another distraction that pulls away from their class.
Dancers that look like dancers start to feel like dancers. Have you ever heard that you should dress for the job you want not the job you have?
Safety. Dress code is a matter of safety as teachers rely on a dancer’s attire to see body lines and movement so they can give direct, and effective corrections to improve technique. Baggy clothing can mask bad habits, making improvement difficult. Long hair could be stepped on in Acro classes so please secure your child's hair in a bun!
By taking the time to purchase items specifically for dance class you are sending the message to your child that you believe in them, that what they are doing is really important, and that you are trusting that they are going to work hard. Set them up for success and keep the focus where it should be..on their dancing!